May 16, 2023
We are just a few days away from celebrating the Class of 2023 and your remarkable achievements! Please take note of the detailed arrival information for your specific school below.
Unified Commencement
Unified Commencement on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in Yulman Stadium brings together graduates from all schools. The ceremony will last until approximately 8:30 p.m. Tickets will not be issued to guests and seating is first come, first served.
Entrances for Graduates
Follow additional directional signage upon entrance:
Architecture – Reily Center
Business – Hertz Center
Law - Reily Center
Liberal Arts – Turchin Stadium and proceed to Mintz Field
Medicine - Reily Center
Professional Advancement – Reily Center
Public Health & Tropical Medicine – Reily Center
Science & Engineering – Turchin Stadium and proceed to Mintz Field
Social Work – Reily Center
ADA parking for guests who have requested accommodations will be available on Friday and Saturday on the uptown campus in the Claiborne Lot. ADA accessible shuttles will run in a loop from the parking lot to Yulman Stadium and the center of campus for other ceremonies. On Friday, shuttles will run from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. On Saturday, shuttles will run from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Detailed instructions, including additional information for ADA guests arriving via taxi or rideshare, have been sent to graduates and guests requesting accommodations.
Inclement Weather Planning
Unified Commencement will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Yulman Stadium and will proceed rain or shine, unless severe weather (such as lightning, tornadoes, flooding, etc.) poses a significant threat or danger to the personal safety of graduates and attendees.
In the event of severe weather, graduates and their guests should plan for two scenarios if the University's rain plan is initiated:
- Rain Delay: the start time of the Unified Commencement ceremony could be delayed by up to two hours, for rapidly moving weather events.
- Postponement: In the unlikely event that severe weather conditions are expected to persist throughout the morning, the Unified Commencement ceremony will be postponed until Sunday, May 21 at 9:00 a.m. Postponement will only occur in extreme circumstances.
Sign Up for Alerts
If the University's rain plan is initiated, details about the changes will be communicated by:
- Updates on the Commencement website
- Text message updates will be sent by the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Guests can sign up for these updates by texting tugrad to 888777.
- The university’s main social media channels.
Schedule of Events
In addition to the Unified Commencement ceremony, graduates are invited to the ceremony of the school awarding their degree. It is at these individual ceremonies that the names of graduates are called and they walk across the stage. For a full listing of these ceremonies and events, visit the schedule.
Know Before You Go – Unified Commencement
- Doors open at 5 p.m. Guests can enter at Gates A, B or C.
- Guests should arrive and be in their seats by 6:25 p.m. Guests arriving after 6:25 p.m. will be held in the concourse areas as the graduate procession proceeds to the field. Guests who are not in the seating sections by 6:25 p.m. will not be able to access all seating sections until the conclusion of the procession.
- Parking is available at Diboll Garage. Guests must enter Ben Weiner Drive from Willow St.
- Guests arriving via taxi or rideshare drop off should set their destination as 6400 S. Claiborne Ave.
- Security will conduct bag checks for all graduates and guests upon entry to the stadium. Prohibited items in Yulman Stadium include: alcohol; artificial noise makers; backpacks, book bags, knapsacks; banners (large or in poor taste); contraband; containers of any kind, thermos bottle, bottles and cans; coolers; fireworks; flammables; footballs or throwing objects; glass; large bags – maximum size 12” x 12”; laser pointers; outside food and beverages; projectiles; stadium seatback chairs with aluminum/metal; stickers; sticks, bats, poles, clubs, flags or banners with poles; strollers – (umbrella strollers that will collapse and be placed under guest seat are permitted); weapons, even with concealed weapons permit; unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones); or any other item(s) deemed unacceptable by stadium security and Tulane University.

Keep in Mind
It can be warm and humid in New Orleans in May and guests should plan their attire accordingly. While there is no set dress code, guest attire usually ranges from business casual to dressier options and is highly dependent on what other plans guests have for the day.
With the commencement ceremony being held in the outdoor Yulman Stadium, comfortable, breathable, lightweight fabrics and sensible footwear will be key to a successful commencement experience and sunglasses, hats and sunscreen are encouraged accessories for the outdoor stadium.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The Commencement Planning Committee